Thứ Bảy, 10 tháng 7, 2010 HUET&VACE (from 11/7/2010 to 11/7/2013)(3)

Thứ bảy, 10/07/2010 16:19 pm

Mu.text_field_hint('#qry', "Search", 'text_field_hint');
submit_on_enter_ie8_hack = function(event){ if( event.keyCode == 13){ AppBase.login(); } };
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/* PETS TAKEOVER! */ body {background-image: url(;} .header {margin-bottom: 0px;} .app_grid {background-color: white;}


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1 costars 210 slideshows
rg_toggle_edit_costar_list = function(){ var first_disp = $(".friend_control_costar_list")[0].style.display; var on_now = !( first_disp == "none" || first_disp == "" ); if( on_now ){ $(".friend_control_costar_list").css("display", "none"); }else{ $(".friend_control_costar_list").css("display", "block"); } }; rg_count = 1; rg_remove_from_costar_list = function( puid ){ '/profile', { 'xaction' : 'remove_from_costar_list', 'puid' : puid }, function(result) { $("#fan_costar_list_"+puid).fadeOut(); rg_count--; if( rg_count == 0 ){ $("div.costar_list").fadeOut(); } } ); } rg_toggle_edit_fan_list = function(){ var first_disp = $(".friend_control_fan_list")[0].style.display; var on_now = !( first_disp == "none" || first_disp == "" ); if( on_now ){ $(".friend_control_fan_list").css("display", "none"); }else{ $(".friend_control_fan_list").css("display", "block"); } }; rg_count = 2; rg_remove_from_fan_list = function( puid ){ '/profile', { 'xaction' : 'remove_from_fan_list', 'puid' : puid }, function(result) { $("#fan_fan_list_"+puid).fadeOut(); rg_count--; if( rg_count == 0 ){ $("div.fan_list").fadeOut(); } } ); }
tmtien1955 created a new Slideshow. on May 15
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tmtien1955 created a new Slideshow. on May 15
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tmtien1955 created a new Slideshow. on April 17
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tmtien1955 created a new Slideshow. on December 31 2009
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tmtien1955 created a new Slideshow. on December 31 2009
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tmtien1955 created a new Slideshow. on December 30 2009
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tmtien1955 created a new Slideshow. on December 30 2009
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tmtien1955 created a new Slideshow. on December 30 2009
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tmtien1955 created a new Slideshow. on December 30 2009
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tmtien1955 created a new Slideshow. on December 30 2009
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